Monday, September 7, 2020

Strep Throat and Mask Forgetting..

 Mauri Mauri Ngkami! I hope everything is going great over there on the other side of the country. This week was pretty normal except for the fact that my companion got strep throat. That's definitely a bummer cause one strep throat is the worst and two well he has is pretty bad so we are house bound for a couple of days. Luckily were used to it and have ways to still work! Anyways, here are some highlights from the week;

So here's a funny story. We went to Target on Saturday to get some lemons and honey so my companion could have hot lemon honey water for his throat, well it was also dumping rain at this time. So when we pulled in, we got out fast and quickly ran into the store trying not to get wet. Well we were to focused on the rain that it didn't even cross our minds to grab a mask. Now the rule here in New Jersey is that you have to be wearing a mask, especially in stores. So here we are walking around Target without a mask on (we didn't even realize it wasn't on our faces). Lots of people were looking at us weird but I didn't really think anything of it because people look at us weird all the time. Elder Young finally turned to me and said, "We don't have masks on!" We had a good laugh about that haha. So we just pulled up our jackets we had on to cover our face a little bit. I was like great people were probably thinking, "Wow, look at these nicely dressed people who think there to good for the law haha." I thought that was pretty funny.

We had a cool in person lesson on Tuesday with some people we have been teaching.  

Here's a cool little quote by Patrick Kearon from his most recent BYU talk, he said, 

"Your Father, your Heavenly Father, will do anything for you. He wants nothing but your eternal happiness and success" 

That's pretty cool if you think about it!
Well keep on smiling everyone! 
I tangiringkami ni kabane!
Elda Jeppson

Right to left: Elder Jorgensen, Elder Fowler, Elder Young and me

This was from the video we made

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