Monday, September 14, 2020

Dance Party = Happiness

 Mauri Mauri ingkami kain taabo aika a mena nte Ai! I've heard that basically the whole west coast is on fire!? That's not to good. I hope all is well with all of you and with everyone else. This week wasn't to eventful but there were some awesome moments. Here's a couple highlights:

So right now since we still are in quarantine, when we have exchanges they are usually just over the phone for like an hour. But since our internet was way bad this past week we got the O.K. to just do an exchange in person for a couple hours of the day. That was pretty sweet not going to lie. Elder Jorgensen (From Colorado) is a dope dude. One cool thing that happened while I was with him was, we were out playing basketball when this random dude came up to us and asked to play. Of course we said yes because who doesn't like a good teaching opportunity and a game of 21! He told us he just got done serving 11 years in prison (which was insane) and that he didnt want to he preached to, but I slipped in a message anyways while we were playing. I forgot how fun it was to talk to random people outside. We also were able to hand out a couple Books of Mormon to people which was sweet.

Here's something funny for you guys...So we had our apartment inspection on Thursday, so that meant Wednesday was a deep cleaning day. Here's a little tip: If you want it really get into cleaning, just blast the Greatest Showman track and clean while singing and dancing haha. Its works real well because our apartment is the cleanest on this side of the Mississippi.

If you haven't read Elder Holland's last general conference talk titled ,"A Perfect Brightness of Hope" I encourage you all to read and study that.
Recently we have been discussing general conference talks with a lot of members of our church and those that don't come as often, and this talk was the one we talked about this past week. I don't even want to paraphrase it because Elder Holland says it a lot better haha, but please go and read it!

Well I hope y'all keep safe from the smoke and remember to keep on smiling! If your feeling down just remember... blast the Greatest Showman and dance to it haha.

I Tangiringkami!
Elda Jeppson

The District 

My bowling outfit 

Had some great coconut ice cream 

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