Monday, August 24, 2020

1 Year Down...Oh Yeeaahh!

 Mauri Mauri Mauri!! I hope you all are doing great back there in the burning state of California, I mean wow that's a lot of fires! Last week was pretty "eventful" because I hit my year mark (Insane), I get to drive now, and I got a new companion. But yea here are a couple highlights from the week;

Wednesday was transfers which meant a 2 and a half hour drive up to Newark were the airport is. I said goodbye to Elder Mortenson and said hello to Elder Young, and I also said hello to Elder Lebaron (My Uncles nephew) so that was pretty sweet! Elder Young is a country folk from Riverton Utah. He likes to hunt, drive trucks, and wear cowboy boots haha. Honestly might get a pair sometime in my life ;) I am still down in Tom's River which is awesome because I love it here.

I hit my year mark on Friday!! That was pretty weird thinking about. It so awesome to look back on the past year to see everything that happened. I mean the experiences I had, the things I learned, and the people I have met, have helped me in ways I couldn't have imagined if I didn't come out on a mission. It was a good year full of excitement, and I cant wait for what the next one is going to bring!

We are still making some awesome videos to put out on facebook almost everyday now which is fun. Facebook is a strange way of finding people, but it works pretty well. I have had a couple good conversations with random people that I found on facebook, and many missionaries are having a lot of success throughout this mission.

Well that's pretty much everything that has happened/changed this past week. 

Remember to Laugh at things that happen instead of getting mad or frustrated at them. Trust me I tried it this past week, and it just makes you a happier person!

Well I tangiringkami ni kabane!
Elda Jeppson

A cool old church building 


Post basketball pic

Music video filming

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