Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Song Writing, House Sitting, and Phone Calling..

 Mauri Mauri ngkami kain te tabo ae rangi ni kabuebue! Wow! It is already another week! I don't about you, but these weeks are just going by faster and faster! This week was pretty slow at the start if the week, but picked up towards the end. So here are some highlights;

Tuesday through Thursday we had an all mission zone conference on a Zoom call. It was definitely strange having a zone conference on a zoom call because 1: there was no delicious food afterwards, just some dried mangoes I had haha, and 2: it was over video call. But needless to say, it was a wonderful experience filled with lots of great talks and insights.

On Friday we met in person with our islander friend who we weren't able to get ahold of for about 5 weeks. On Thursday we saw that he was active on facebook, so we immediately sent him messages to get him to respond, and it worked! He told us that he would love to meet the following day. He wanted to know more about the Book of Mormon and what we believed, because he told us that he had had 2 close calls with death but was saved by God. That led to an awesome conversation with him for about an hour. He loved what we were telling him, and told us that next time we need to meet longer so he can learn more! I felt like I was back in Kiribati for a second when lessons would go for a lot longer than what you have planned for, but I loved it when he said that!!

When we weren't calling people, we kept ourselves busy writing a new song! I have to day it was going to be a even better one, but now we can't release it because my companion is getting transferred. So that's a bummer, but hopefully my next comp knows how to play an instrument so we can continue to produce music!

Here is a little segment from the talk, Come What May, and Love It,

"Over the years I have learned a few things that have helped me through times of testing and trial. I would like to share them
The first thing we can do is learn to laugh....have you had an encounter with an overhanging cupboard door left open at the wrong place and the wrong time which has been cursed, condemned, and avenged by a sore-headed victim?
There is an antidote for times such as these: learn to laugh."

Well there you have it folks, laugh instead of getting angry or frustrated cause it makes life a lot better!!

I tangiringkami ni kabane!
Elda Jeppson

The whole district

Mini golfing with our district 

Kiribati Zoom (all our teachers also hopped on the call which was super awesome)

My mini golf course I made and club 

Me having fun on the family history activities

Our Zone

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