Monday, December 28, 2020

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

 Merry Christmas Everyone! Hopefully Christmas made up for everything that happened this year because I know it sure did for us. There's just something about the month of December that brings a ton of joy, happiness, and unity into all of our lives. Not a whole lot happened this week due to Christmas, but there still were some highlights;

Our friend Alice was finally able to make to church in person! It's pretty funny because although we have been teaching her for like a month now, we had never met her in person until Sunday. It was super awesome to see her there and she was super happy to be there. Her testimony is getting stronger everyday and she really wants to be baptized, so hopefully next Tuesday that will be able to happen.

We had a pretty cool call with a member this week. She texted us and asked if we would be able to help her become a better missionary and of course we said she found the right people to help. We did a zoom call and were able to help her learn how to share what she believes in a nice simple conversation way so her friend can feel comfortable and not like she is sitting in a lecture. We were able to do a little practice teaching with her which allowed her to see what we were talking about in action. All the members here are super solid and have a desire to share the gospel.

Fun fact: I successfully made a turkey for the first time haha. It was a whopping 17lbs and tasted delicious. I admit it was a tiny bit on the dry side, but hey it'll still make your mouth water. 

Well that's it for the week, finish 2020 off strong! Try to not stop smiling until the first of this year. It may sound challenging, but it's only 3 more days. Have a happy New Year!

Tangiringkami ni Kabane 
Elda Jeppson

Merry Christmas 

My first Turkey

Christmas dinner missionary style 

Elder Young, Me, Elder Groll

Having a Zoom call with our friend Delancey (aka our boardwalk singer friend)

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