Wednesday, December 2, 2020

A "Golden" Week

 Hello Hello Everyone, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all ate some quality food and some delicious pie because I know I did. But the real question is who won the Turkey Trot/Soccer Game/Football game/whatever other activity that is done on Thanksgiving morning?? Well this week was pretty cool so let's jump right into it;

We had the craziest experience last Monday night. We were driving home from getting some pizza when we get a call from some Sister missionaries up north that they have a referral for us. They gave us her number and we were about to call her, when she called us instead. She told us that she saw our last video on FaceBook (the one of us dancing with the Book of Mormon) and asked us if we were the "dancing missionaries" and told us she wanted to get baptized! We were so surprised when we heard this because 1: We have never had some call is from our videos, and 2: She told us she wants to be baptized haha. We asked her if she knew anything about baptism and she said she did. She went on to teaching us every single lesson there is haha. I mean how cool is that! This lady was teaching us the lessons! She told us when we were about to get off that she is what missionaries call a "Golden investigator" hah pretty sweet huh!?

We had a pretty tasty Thanksgiving dinner if I must say. Two awesome ladies in our ward made it for us because we weren't able to go to someone's house for dinner. But it was still a great day! We of course played a little soccer in the morning because you can't not play soccer or football when its Thanksgiving. 

I encourage you all to go a read President Oaks last general conference talk titled "Love Your Enemies" again. We discussed this talk with a lot of member this week and I realized how much we can learn from this amazing talk. 

Just a little weather report for the state of New Jersey: it has been in the 50° to 70° range for the past couple weeks now. Hopefully it stays that way because I've heard winters can be rough here. Right now the weather is treating us well. 

That's a wrap on the week! Keep on smiling!

Elda Jeppson

Thanks Mom! 

Post Thanksgiving shenanigans 

Santa....Is that you??

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