Thursday, June 17, 2021

In The Eye Of The Storm

 Kam na bane ni Mauri! 

How's it going everybody! Nothing to crazy happened over here this past week but we were able to have some pretty awesome lessons with some people.

We are teaching this lady from Sierra Lione right now and she is such a sweet lady. She is supposed to get baptized here in a couple weeks which she is excited for. We had a super awesome lesson with her the other day on Temples. We showed her the Rome Italy Temple video and after it was finished she said, "I want to go there. I felt such peace watching that video and I know that's what I should do." Her testimony is growing everyday and it is amazing to be able to see the change that is happening in her life.

The weather here has been super wacky lately. People say here that if you don't like the weather in Jersey then all you have to do it wait a day. We are going from 90 degree hot weather to rainy and cold the next, to 70 degrees and just right, back to hot, then right back to rainy haha. You never know what weather to dress for, so you end up finding a way to prepare yourself for whatever mother nature wants to throw at you. There have been a couple days where we leave the apartment in nice sunny weather, but and up returning soaked head to toe in the middle of a storm haha I think missionaries just attract bad weather.

Here's a little spiritual food for y'all:
"A Bell is no bell till you ring it,
A song is no song till you sing it,
And love in your heart wasn't put there to stay 
Love isn't love till you give it away."

Think about that throughout this week and then try and look for little ways to serve those around you.

Tangiringkami ni kabane 
Tia boo moa 
Elda Jeppson
Elders Young, Marx, Me, Kay, Brough, Hickman, Zinkand

This older lady we are teaching gave us some incense that her sons made and this was one of them haha 

Baptism Time - sorry Mom my eyes were closed 

An old train station across from Ellis Island

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