Friday, May 28, 2021

Jersey City Here I Come...

 What is going on everybody?? I found out I will be leaving this area and be heading into the heart of New Jersey. I will be going to Jersey City which is right on the other side of the hudson from NYC. Fun Fact for those of you that didn't know, the Statue of Liberty is actually in Jersey and is in my area so that's pretty sweet. I'm psyched to go there because apparently Jersey City is considered the most Hood area in the mission so stayed tuned for all these pick up bball games haha just kidding. But this past week was honestly a great one to end the transfer off with. So let's get right into it;

Our friend Sam is progressing super well! He loves the Book of Mormon and loves learning about the gospel. He is keeping his commitments which is awesome and he told us that he would love to get baptized. That was exciting news to hear so we are excited to keep working with him. 

I said goodbye to our Jamaican friend Shakara. She definitely didn't want me to leave this area but she found me on facebook so she said she will keep texting me. She is still loving the gospel and still has a strong desire to get baptized. It might just be a little longer till she gets baptized because we found out that her boyfriend has to get legally divorced from his previous spouse so he and Shakara can get married. Might be a little but of a process but hey it will all work out.

We got to do some awesome service for this lady who was previously taught by missionaries and she is the funniest lady ever. She is about 4ft 8in and in her late 60's but has so much energy. She ordered 3 tons of rocks to be spread around her yard and she was planning on doing it all by herself by scooping some rocks in this little bucket and doing it little by little but we told her we are going to help because it would take her months. She was super grateful for that and now she loves us again wahoo!

I also just realized that I have 12 weeks left on the mission, absolutely mind blowing to me. The mission has gone by to fast that is for sure, but I have learned a whole lot from it. Here's one scripture that I have come to love and that has helped me throughout my mission. I might have shared it before but it is this, 
Psalm 27:1
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"
That's a pretty awesome scripture!!  Put the Lord first everyone and many blessings will pour into your lives.

Well, have a great week and remember to keep smiling!

Tangiringkami ni kabane 
Tia Boo Moa
Elda Jeppson

Elder Glauser

Elder Brown and I 

Reunited with Elder Groll and Elder Young 

Our friend Shakara 

Elder Young and Jorgensen

Elder Marx and Elder Brough 

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