Hello Hello Everyone! Coming at you live from the chilly state of New Jersey with another update on the week. We got things to run through so let jump straight into it!
First off I just want to tell you literally the most insane thing that I have ever heard of a person doing! Remember our friend Alice (the one that is supposed to get baptized this Saturday) well we get a call Saturday night from some other missionaries telling us to check this Facebook group. Now this group has about 16 thousand missionaries on it and it is used to give other missionaries referrals in their areas. Well we open to the page and we saw the craziest thing. Alice (our friend) has been traveling from state to state getting baptized by different missionaries! Like what!! She has been baptized at least a confirmed 4 times already. Within 30 minutes of that getting posted around 60 missionaries had commented saying that they were also teaching her and that they also had a baptismal date with her. People were also saying how they knew her by a different name. She literally has been changing her name and giving different addresses to different missionaries, like what?! I got in touch with some missionaries in Texas and Washington and they also said they had a baptism for her this next week. Honestly, the craziest thing I have ever heard haha. As soon as we asked her about it she deleted her facebook and canceled both of the phone number we had for her. Last we heard of her she was in Florida. Now's she off the grid haha. So sad to say, we will not be having a baptism this Saturday. That's the short version of the story, ask me at the end of my mission for the full story because it would take forever to write it out.
Now your probably wondering how my hair got singed, well it all started back on Thursday afternoon when we were doing service for our friend. We raked a ton of leaves and broke up a lot of branches and our friend Dave (the guy we are doing service for) wanted to burn the sticks. So I summoned my inner eagle scout and built a fire. Well when I was in the midst of starting the fire I had to get down by it and start blowing on it. Apparently, I got a little too close because when I blew the fire the front of my hair and eyelashes got singed haha. I've never laughed harder in my entire life haha. It's not to noticeable anymore but man y'all would have gotten a kick out of it.
Those were the most exciting parts of the week for sure. If any of you are wondering what are covid restrictions over her are, well I'm pleased to tell you that I have been in Quarantine for 7 straight months. I'm so used to it this just feels normal now.
Here's a great scripture for us all:
Alma 37:37 "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day."
Remember to keep on smiling and helping those around you!
I tangiringkami ni kabane!
Elda Jeppson
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