Tuesday, July 28, 2020

{The Life of a Director}

Mauri Mauri Ingkami Kain Amerika! How are you all doing?! I have to say that this past week was a pretty good one because I had to summon my inner Director/ Filmaker haha. It definitely is weird doing missionary work by filming videos and posting them on Social media, but it's the kind of the new direction of missionary work. Here are a couple highlights from the week:

So every Thursday morning we have mission wide zoom devotional calls, and this last one was pretty awesome because (insert drum roll here) we found out we are allowed to go outside! We have a lot of restrictions, but hey I'm not complaining. We are allowed to meet with person as long as they are not high risk, we are social distancing, wearing masks, and some other jazz. We can't really meet with any of the members of our ward because everyone, and literally every single person is over 65 years of age. But we can finally meet some of the people we are teaching in person which is super nice!

Also filming was a highlight! It made the week go by pretty fast because we had something to do haha. If you haven't checked out our new videos, head on over to my Facebook page and give them your love ha! Also if any of you have any suggestion for video ideas/ you want us to do something feel free to email me them.

Here's a little Spiritual Food for Yall:

Elder M. Russell Ballard Tells us in his April 2001 General Conference Talk,

"Today I make you a promise. It’s a simple one, but it is true. If you will listen to the living prophet and the apostles and heed our counsel, you will not go astray."

I think that's pretty awesome right there!! Like who doesn't want to be lead astray! I know I don't. I hope you guys can take this to heart and apply this to your lives. 

Well I hope you all have a Great Week! Jump in the lake/pool/ocean for me haha.

I Tangiringkami ni Kabane!
Tia Bo!
Elda Jeppson
Our District - we finally got to meet in person at the park 
Kiribati Zoom call for language study with our MTC instructor 

Some scenery

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