Sunday, November 10, 2019

Down South

What's up everybody! How are you all doing? This week was way fun because we got to go down south and see everyone.  We are still on Tarawa, but just in South Tarawa. Its pretty fun down here! It's way awesome because there's fruit and lots of food, so I am happy about that.  

Here are the highlights for the week:

Monday: We had a super awesome combined P-day today because I got to see all the missionaries from my intake, and all the ones I have gotten close to so far. We had an intense tournament of Volleyball hahaha and hung around and talked with everyone. We also went to Te Runga, which is basically the Kiribati olympics. All of the islands compete against each other in Soccer, Boxing, Tennis, Ping Pong, Volleyball, Basketball, Weightlifting, and this game were they throw a huge rock wrapped in rope at each other. Later that night we went to an Elder's 21 birthday party. That was way fun because 21st birthday here are super big.
Tuesday: Since we were down south and we didn't have an area, we went shopping and chilled all day. Man I forgot how good fruit and cold drinks are haha. That night we tagged along with some sweet elders to there district dinner. That was a ton of fun because we ate a lot of food and played a lot of games. There definitely the most fun district. Also, I got a haircut from an Elder and he basically shaved my head hahaha, but luckily we can wear hats in this mission because i am going to be wearing one for the next little while.
Wednesday: I got pretty sick today because we went to this restaurant to get some food, and boy it destroyed me and another Elder hah. I was hating life all day long. The rest of the day was spent boating back to our area, so we didn't do a whole lot.
Friday: We had another full day of service building some houses and gardens. We spent about 4 hours helping a member rebuild his roof on his hut. That was way awesome because I got to see how they build their roofs so the water doesn't comes through the leaves. I'm definitely going to have to build one when I come back haha. After that we built a garden and pushed wheelbarrows full of sand around for our neighbor. So awesome.
Well thats the highlights for my week!
Love you All
Love Elder Jeppson

Me, Elder Wright, Kautira, Mweka (little boy) and Tiibee

Baptism of Kautira 

Baptism of Mweka

Te Runga: Soccer Game 

Killer Sunset

This is what our dinners look like

Us at the 21st birthday party

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