Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Broken Bikes and Amazing Sunsets!

Mauri Everyone! How's the Mainland? This week has been pretty awesome and also super exhausting, so here's the rundown.

Tuesday: We had a pretty awesome lunch with a Non-member who is about 64 I think. I least I thought it went well, but i had a huge headache and trying to focus on what she was saying made my head want to explode haha. We also moved some more sand for another family in the branch. This time we had to walk a lot farther haha. It was about 3/4 of a mile through the wild jungle of Kiribati haha, to the beach, and then we had to walk back with a wheelbarrow full of sand. It was actually a pretty decent workout. The reason we are moving sand so much is because one of the Senior couples is going around and helping people plant and start gardens.

Wednesday: There was supposed to be a marriage for our neighbors so the girl could get baptized, but the branch President said he wanted the wedding to be bigger so it got rescheduled. So we went and moved more sand for the same family we moved sand for on Tuesday.

Thursday: I taught a lesson today! We taught a 19 year old boy named Kautira. He's super awesome. It went very slow because it took me a while to think of how to say things haha. It was good though because my companion let me figure out what i was trying to say instead of him doing it for me which was super helpful. We had another lesson lined up right after the first one, but when we got there they told is to come back another day and that was that ha. On our way to visit a less active member my bike broke again. My back tire bent to the side a little bit so i couldnt pedal, and my brakes broke. Se we went back to the house, broke out the tools and went to work haha. When we finally got it fixed and we started riding off, it wasn't even 30 seconds before BOOM, broken chain haha. So we spent a little more time fixing that. But i think it paid off because there was a killer sunset that was super pretty.

Friday: This is when the marriage happened. So you know how i said the branch president wanted it to be bigger, well this time there was a cake and 1 more person then before haha. So now we were at a total of 7 people which it "bigger" i guess. The marriage went awesome, and now the wife can get baptized.

Saturday: We had to go to the sisters today because we had to do baptisimal interviews. It took about an hour by car to get there, so it took a little longer on a bike. The interviews lasted from 10 to 4 and it was just Elder Wright doing them because only one person does them, so i sat around and played with the little kids for 6 hours hahaha.

Sunday: We actually got to watch Genereal Conference today. But it was in Kiribati so i didn't understand a single word of it hahah. So i was completley zoned out from 10 to 4. Then we had a pretty good dinner at a members house.  It is a custom here that they feed the guests first.  Everyone sits and watches you eat and then when you are full they let the men eat then the women and children.  It is hard to know how much to eat because you don't want to eat all of their food first. 

Well thats it for this week! Love you all!
Love Elder Jeppson

Elder Wright and I on our bikes.  There is only one road on the whole island.
Yet another amazing sunset

 Me and some Big fish (name of the fish is Tenunua)
Chilling on a Buia (bungalow)

My boy Karawa

Members taking a break during Service 

Our neighbors: Arimes, Tebitak, and Margaret 

At the wedding 

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