Saturday, August 31, 2019

Study, Study, Sleep, Repeat

Mauri Everyone!! 

My First Sunday:
Well today was our first Sunday so bye bye 2 hour church and hello 12 hour church hahaha. But it was super awesome. We started the day off with a district planning meeting/planning meeting.We Basically just set goals as a district for the whole 6 weeks we are here. We had an awesome priesthood lesson and sacrament meeting lesson. For the sacrament talks, everyone has to prepare a talk and the Branch President picks 2 random people in the branch to come up and give a talk haha, so that was a little nerve racking. we finished the night off with an awesome devotional. 

Monday was a pretty calm day, at least compared to the other days. We had a service assignment early in the morning, we had to clean the second floor of the building. So it wasn't to bad. After we went to class and started working on the basic core of the language which was super awesome because we actually started to learn the language. After dinner we played volleyball.  After that we went and studied on the rooftop garden which was super fun because all the missionaries go there to study but end up hanging out haha. And the sunset was awesome!

We didn't really do much except class and study hahaha. We had personal study for like 30 min in the morning before class, and i got a little distracted by the people putting up flags on the flag poles hahaha. We also had an awesome devotional by Presiding Bishop Gerald Causse of the Seventy. It was super awesome because he talked about how to be a great missionary and why we needed to humble ourselves. There were 2,106 missionaries in the building, it was crazy! The spirit was super strong when we sang "Called to Serve".

I have officially been here for one week! I have been upgraded from new missionary to experienced missionary. I got 3 awesome packages. Shout out to Aunt Sarah and G-Ma. We also started learning sentence structures in Kiribati today, and it made the language make so much more sense.

I was beyond tired when i woke up hahaha, it was rough. We had classes all day long which made me more tired, and then we had to memorize a 10 minute lesson which was super hard when your tired and your watching everyone outside got to the BYU v Utah game hahaha. But the lesson turned out really well.

Today was our P day so basically we woke up, did laundry, called home, went to the temple and had classes. So it was really awesome.

My district is SOO awesome. We are all like brothers already which is super fun because we just mess around with each other all the time. The dorms are pretty good except for the bathrooms. Everyone uses them so there super nasty hahaha. Exercise time is definitely my favorite part because we just destroy kids in volleyball. I have to say I'm pretty raw haha.
Our teachers have been telling us some pretty cool stories about there missions, so its making me a lot more excited.
My Companions Name Is Elder Plauche.  He is from Georgia.  

Tiabo!! Love all of you!
Elda Jeppson

From right to left, front to back
Elder Qarase, Elder Mo'o, Elder Fano, Elder Jeppson, Elder Ralph's,
Elder Johnsen, Elder Rangi, Elder Applegarth Elder Young 

All of our food hahaha.  Basically diabetes :) 

Monday, August 26, 2019

The first 2 days!

Hunter sent pictures of his journal to use as his letter because they only had 10 minutes on their first p-day.

Day 1
Today has been super crazy and tiring!!! As soon as Grandpa, Grandma and I pulled up to the MTC missionaries were running alongside the car waiting to help grab my bags.  We got out bags then we were ushered to get our name tags, room keys etc.  We dropped our bags and went to our first class with our district to meet our companions and all the Elders and Sisters.  After we went to orientation then dinner then back to a class then we were supposed to meet our zone leaders but they never showed up so about 10 Elders and 4 sisters were wandering around the MTC looking for someone to ask for help.  Its all been a rush so far but it has been good.  It is definitely going to be an awesome experience!  Our district is super fun! We have people from Tonga, Fiji and Hawaii!!

Peace Out!
Elder Jeppson

Day 2
What an experience it has been so far!  We started learning Kiribati today which was super cool!  It isn't super hard but the pronunciation is very difficult.  Most of the alphabet is very similar sounding to ours.  We are supposed to be able to say a prayer, read a scripture, greet someone and do something else (can't remember) in 10 days, so hopefully that happens.  We had some pretty cool workshops today as well.  We learned how to get to know people better and how to teach and invite people.  We met our Branch President today and they were super cool! Me and Elder Johnson and another Elder in my district were laughing a ton and could not stop! Good times!

Elder Jeppson

Mike and Char Ford (family friends) found Hunter
 on his first day and sent me this picture 

My District- 14 of us headed to Kiribati 

Elder Plauche & Elder Jeppson

Provo Temple 

First Email from the MTC

The MTC life is super crazy!  There is so much going on at once.  Our district is super awesome!  We have people from all over the place- and Elder from New Zealand, one from Fiji and 3 sisters from Tonga and one from Utah haha.

The food Kinda stinks here not going to lie.  The breakfast is definitely the worst meal. haha

Teachers are super cool and our branch is awesome!

Our p-day is tomorrow so I will talk to you then.

Love, Elder Jeppson